Sioux's News

Honoring Ross Bethell's legacy and looking ahead to a busy filming schedule and potential industry growth.

Hi Everyone,

Firstly, on behalf of Vicky Bethell, we thank everyone who sent messages of love and support when Ross Bethell passed away in early October. Ross was a loved and respected part of the NZ film industry and provided many a magnificent backdrop to music videos, feature films, television drama, and hundreds of commercials over the years. Tracks on his farm have even been affectionately named after some of the jobs that have used them (Hummer Corner, for instance).

Ross, you were an amazing man, and we hope that your name and memory live on in future years; and that every time a camera rolls on your landscape, you will be affectionately remembered by all that had the great good fortune to meet you.

For anyone interested in helping out on the land on the occasional working bee – please contact Filmcrews in Auckland for more information. The next working bee is planned for November 29, and then another in January. This is just a small way to help the family, and a little effort from extra hands would be so welcome.

On a work front, the winter months slowed down a bit; but it has recently picked up, and with Disney talking about another series next year, crew will remain in demand, which is fantastic for the commercial sector. Kingdom Come have taken on a lot of crew from all around the country, and this will also mean new people can enter the market and learn fantastic skills from the old hands.

Rumours of a few feature films in early 2009 are bouncing around, and I’m sure that once things settle down again after the NZ election, things will be more constant for crew.

When most people discuss this ‘recession’ that we are in, they are doom and gloom – but my personal view is that things like this could stimulate an economy. People will still need to advertise, to encourage people to spend. This in turn creates work for us, and therefore the commercial market probably won’t feel too much of a pinch. Budgets for these jobs may be smaller than the old days, but volume should be more. I hope my optimism is realized in the real world, but I guess all we can do is wait and see!

Sioux x

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