Summer Issue Highlights

Festive edition covers industry updates, professional development, and tributes to lost members.

A summer issue of NZTECHO that we hope keeps you occupied over a well-earned festive day off (or two) – provided I managed to get it in your mailbox before the fat man visited your chimney… It seems getting this issue out is a bigger challenge than even usual…

We give some space to another under-represented craft group – part one-of-two looking into the craft of production with Moira Grant and Kylie Gaudin (page 10). Get an insight into production design historical magic created in the imagination of John Harding (page 6). Also delving into history – long past and recent – is the welcome re-mastering of Leon Narbey’s masterwork, Illustrious Energy. Regretfully we weren’t able to find space for enough images to do Leon’s visual treat justice (see page 5).

The obvious solution is of course: go and see the film… Missed screenings in your area? Lobby for local repeat screenings (if the Rocky Horror can screen in Queen St in 2011 then there’s hope for re-screenings of a NZ classic at an ‘art house’ cinema near you!).

On the more serious side of life we consider the value of backend payments, look further into workplace bullying and provide some opportunities for upskilling around accounting and professional development for small business owners (by the way – unless you are an employee – that’s you!). Professional development is a hot topic at the moment as it becomes a focus for the NZFC. Have a read about the awards and consider any career-enhancing opportunities that you might seek with the help of our own film commission coffers.

Talk of such ‘wider angle’ industry issues segues nicely into a reminder to take notice of the Screen Sector Work Programme before it’s all over and the reports have gone in to parliament… See page 2 for a summary/reminder about the review, and take an opportunity to tell government just what you think about how it spends your money to support screen production.

A reminder about the benefits of the Southern Cross Healthcare group scheme in Members with benefits (page 20) points out the non-profit nature of this insurer and a few other facts to consider.

We pay tribute to beloved members of our community with a special note about the untimely losses of both** Andy Whitfield** and Aletia Hudson.

Our Autumn issue will include details and profiles of the 2012 Executive Committee (‘board’) members and a run down after the AGM.

Fritha Stalker Editor-at-large

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