Thirty Years Strong
Is the measure of an organisation’s maturity the point at which it has been around for longer than most of its members?
With this issue we celebrate thirty years of the Guild’s existence. Are we older than most of our members? Maybe, maybe not, but the tipping point can’t be far off.
Perhaps another measure of any group’s health and viability is whether the members still actively engage with it. And by that benchmark, surely this Guild is doing brilliantly. As with any organisation, there are plenty of members happy to just belong, and who aren’t too keen on sticking their heads above the parapet and voicing their opinions.
But it seems to me that this Guild also has a great many members who want to shake up the status quo, question the accepted wisdom and challenge even the majority-held viewpoints. And that is surely always a thing to be welcomed and celebrated. Better an argument than an awkward silence, as I’m sure my Mum and Dad would have said.
So here’s to you, Techos. You are truly a force for good, for fairness, for collaboration, engagement, safety and human well-being. We might argue about the details, but no one involved with the Guild will disagree that its mission, its kaupapa and its goals are not worth honouring and pursuing.
This is a mighty and a mighty fine organisation to be a part of. And though we might sometimes wish that the Guild was not needed, long may it continue for as long as it is.
Kia Kaha,
Graeme Tuckett. Proud Guild Member and Editor of NZTECHO. graemetuckett@gmail.com