Tributes, Safety, and Updates
Hi all,
And welcome to issue #94 of NZTECHO.
We are running the second installment of our hopefully long-running series of notable local film businesses in this issue, with a proper look at the legendary FAT Lighting. They were good enough to supply us with a load of photographs too. Thank you!
If you would like to see a feature on your company in NZTECHO, don't be afraid to drop us a line.
This issue also contains the latest safety advice from the New Zealand Standards Authority on safe practice on film sets, a reflective piece - and some gorgeous photography - from our own Waka Attewell, and an important piece of news from the Guild, which you may have missed in email form.
We are also running our own farewells to Brian Shennan and Ardy Matthews, both of whom have left us in the last few months. Both men were well loved and respected in the Wellington and wider New Zealand film communities and both are sadly missed. Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to these pieces.
We also pay our respects to the colleagues, friends, and family of Rob Outterside and Dave Cleary, who also passed away in the last few months.
The next issue of NZTECHO will be out in time for the new year, which will mean a shorter turnaround than usual. So, please start thinking about your contributions now.
All best,
Stay safe out there,
Graeme and Jason.