What a Start to '09

Tony F. reflects on personal tributes to Al Guilford and Robert Bruce, and highlights important membership updates.

When I thought about featuring Patrick McGoohan and Harold Pinter in this issue after their passing away over the Christmas/New Year period, I had no idea we’d be focussing instead on two special gentlemen much closer to home…

You’ll see there’s no “el presidente” this time. You’ll find AlBol’s piece concluding our tribute to Al Guilford. Special thanks go to Bryan Shaw, for providing us with superb photos of Al. My apologies to those whose contributions had to make way for our tributes.

It surprises us that only 2/3 of members have given us an email address. Many urgent communications from the office go out by email first - so if you never received notices about Allen or Robert Bruce, for example, it may be because we have not got your e-address, or it’s changed.

We do phone surveys quite often too…

Similarly, quite a few copies of this magazine are returned to us because postal addresses are out of date. And everyone, giving us your postcode as well would get the mag to you faster!

By the way, if anyone has any contact details for members: Grace Mok Lisa Wildemoth we’d be grateful for your help.

Finally, to those of you on monthly automatic payment of your guild membership: please remember to alter the amount with your bank before your April due date.


Yours, Tony F.

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