Autumn Guild Update
Hi all,
And welcome to your Autumn issue of NZTECHO. Although, looking out the window across the coffee-stained kitchen table and battered laptop I laughingly refer to as ‘the office,’ you wouldn’t think summer was over anytime soon.
It’s a great issue, I think. You’ll find plenty of the latest information on Screen Safe, via a truly beautifully put together ‘President’s Rave’ from Richard Bluck. I hope that well-earned holiday is doing you good, Richard.
Your Executive Officer Karla Rodgers has also contributed a fulsome piece on what your Guild has been doing on your behalf already this year. The ongoing work of revisiting and re-evaluating the ‘Hobbit Law’ is a huge task that will potentially transform some members’ careers. Read what Sioux and co have been up to. It truly is inspirational that so much is being done – voluntarily – to make our workspaces and conditions better.
Karla makes the point, again, that if you are benefiting from the work your Screen Industry Guild is doing on your behalf, then you really should become a member. Seriously.
I also like the introduction to the impressive array of facilities at the Kumeu Studios. Aotearoa is blessed with some of the world’s greatest naturally occurring sets. And we can hold our heads up anywhere with our studios and facilities too.
Lastly, we had some thought-provoking feedback on the mental health piece in our last issue. Several people contacted us privately to tell their own stories and to urge the Guild to not let this topic drop. With wider conversations happening on health and safety in our workplaces, as well as the global conversations around harassment and bullying in all industries, this feels like an issue whose time has come.
We welcome your feedback as to what your Guild can and should do to begin to address it.