Bay of Plenty Film Growth

The Bay of Plenty region prepares for an exciting 2020 with new projects and a focus on crew development.

Kia ora Tātou!

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the tragedy at Whakaari / White Island. Having been involved directly in shoots on the island, facilitated many more and hosted multiple producers there, we know Whakaari and its stakeholders well. A rāhui has been placed on Whakaari and the waters around it by Ngāti Awa. At this stage, it is too early for definitive commentary and we will update the industry as further details of its future status and relative news emerges.

Aside from this terrible news, we wish a Merry Christmas to all our friends and colleagues in the wider New Zealand Industry!! Our office will be closed from the 13th December to the 13th of January. Anton will be available for urgent enquiries from the 6th of January on 0274376377 or If you are looking to get a film permit for a project over this time please take note that Councils/DOC will also be enjoying a Xmas break but will be back at work on the 6th January 2020.

We have been servicing a constant stream of enquiries for TV Commercials and longer-form projects to be filmed in the Bay. With a number of different large scale projects in development or waiting for the green light, we are excited to see what 2020 is going to bring the Bay of Plenty Industry and ways we can leverage off this to provide more infrastructure and upskill the local crew base.

One of the highlights of the last quarter was hosting SPADA Keynote Speaker Jenji Kohan (Creator of Orange Is The New Black) and Lauren Levine (Producer on Bridge to Terabithia) in the region. Both were treated to the unique combination of amazing locations and equally amazing people that our region has to offer. Post their trip they commented on the lasting impression and the desire to create and bring projects back to New Zealand. We have also been hosting multiple producers with projects in different stages of development and wish to extend that invitation out further to industry creatives seeking inspiration and the discovery of fresh never seen before locations to impart depth and originality into their stories.

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