Celebrating 60 Issues of NZTECHO
Welcome to issue 60 of NZTECHO magazine. Well done to all of you for supporting us in reaching this fantastic milestone.
Each and every NZTECHO we send off to print feels like a bit of miracle. We are a non-profit organisation and there is no denying that publishing on a low budget is challenging, but somehow we always get there in the end. The fact that NZTECHO hasn’t fallen over in recent years (as have some other industry magazines) is a testament to the willing attitudes of members and other contributors who help us out. Thanks guys and girls for believing in this organisation and in this magazine. Thanks also to the advertisers who support us.
Continuing on a positive theme, renewed enthusiasm for the film and TV industry is certainly in the air as we head further into 2014. Well done everyone for surviving 2013.
Our main feature article by Nicci Lock pays a tribute to some of our industry’s talent. Nicci finds out how Grow Wellington’s Callaghan Innovation initiative is helping technicians reach their potential far beyond the screen production industry.
Freelance production manager Dot Kyle writes about American 2nd AC Sarah Jones, who died tragically and needlessly on set in the US. It is a sad reminder about the importance of safety in this industry and how it must not get lost in the process of filming.
We also hear from cinematographer Waka Attewell who says despite the commercial realities of making TV, the quality of content should not just fall by the wayside.
All these articles are a reminder of what NZTECHO stands for and I love it that most of the magazine’s content comes from its audience. Articles written by technicians for technicians – it is awesome to see.
Remember NZTECHO exists for you and because of you. It is your magazine so feel free to tell us what you like about it or don’t like, what you want to see more of or less of…
Thanks again for all the support, let’s hope we can make it last another 60 issues.
Carolyn Brooke, editor