Covid's Impact on Film Work

A reflection on industry challenges, creative resilience, and hopes for a thriving post-Covid future.

Please select from the following options:

A. You are sick with Covid

B. You are isolating as you’re a close contact with someone sick with Covid

C. You are working on a project that has enough budget to cater to weekly or twice weekly testing and have managed to avoid getting sick with Covid (so far)

D. You are waiting for the Domestic Projects to start up again because they can’t afford to shut down due to people getting sick with Covid

E. You are waiting for the International projects to stop avoiding our country because people are currently getting sick with Covid

F. You stood your ground on Parliament ground and are no longer working in the industry altogether (and also possibly now sick with Covid)

G. Because of either A-F you have gotten familiar with slurping 11 o’clock martinis in PJs while trying your best at daily wordle comps… and sick or not sick with Covid.

(Suzin McFluzin)

Covid Schmovid. It feels like there’s quite the judder-bar for many future contractors while we continue down the Rona ride. Not sure how much longer this will continue but there’s a lot of talk around the 2nd half of the year already assembling greenlit projects ready to push go both Regionally and Domestically. Here’s hoping they come to fruition.

As Film and TV contractors many of us are familiar with the ebbs and flow of the industry and cover ourselves with small run businesses or secondary skillsets allowing us to sidestep into continued financial stability or what we contractors feel is stable enough to see the roof stay over the head and the mouths underneath being fed. But it’s easier said than done at times. If you’re fortunate enough to fit in the box that the Government has offered for self-employed contractors to apply for either the Covid-19 Resurgence Support Payments or the Cultural Sector Emergency Relief Grant, then phew for you! If you aren’t able to access either then I hope you have got enough cover even if it’s in the shape of mushroom foraging season or friendly neighbours bartering fruit and vege produce for your latest batch of chutney.

Winter is coming (thanks John but in this case this could actually be a good thing!), let the snow bring prosperity in the form of our industry’s medium giving us bountiful work opportunities.

And while it is quiet for many, here in Dunedin there are still the usual players working effortlessly on their skill set specifics. ARL continue to win awards, NHNZ steer towards a bright future of multiple productions forecast. Local writer/directors/content creators are currently in development with the help of NZFC, FOS and NZOA. Positive discussions around Virtual Production spaces, Studio setups and new tertiary training programmes continue their momentum. ‘Ain’t no loogies gonna keep us down.

Covid, it’s time we said our goodbyes. It’s not me, it’s you. I’m sorry but you need to move on. And no you can’t take my keep cup.

Rebecca Rowe

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