Dunedin's Untapped Film Potential

A call to filmmakers: explore Dunedin’s compact, diverse, and screen-ready locations waiting for discovery.

A few too many projects fell by the wayside this past few months here in Dunedin. Some big players for all mediums probed around our region, clocking surf sides and unique interiors, VFX plating a few spots.. Projects all set to shoot until either schedule / cast availability / budget shifts swayed them to keep North Island based or offshore completely much to the dismay of the crew here amping to apply their creative skillset in this Industry.

While there have been Location Scouts continuing to come through town for future projects I can only hope they gain the full go ahead and have the opportunity to see it through to fruition because once they’re here they will totes LOVE IT. (It’s true, ask anyone who’s shot here in the last decade.)

Working on an upcoming project set to shoot a few days here next month, I couldn’t help but note the comparison to the location recce distances and kilometres covered in Auckland to Dunedin. Where the location views were 30 – 45 minutes away, we had a mighty 2 min jump for many of our locations being viewed.

Petrol consumption aside, our locations offer such diversity within a compact space, equally cool is that so many interiors and exteriors have yet to be seen on screen.

Inspired but the late Tom Sainsbury’s, Simon Bridges Snap chats I dearly miss, I offer you an acrostic poem for your consideration:

(Please do your best to read it like Tom / Simon would.)

D Dark Gothic architecture, folks, take your pick.

U Uni’s clock towers off limits but the rest of it is slick.

N Need a castle? Yea we got one here that you can use.

E Enchanting summers with longer daylight, an extra hour or twos.

D Diversity for onscreen talent, yup, no problem we can do!

I Is it really only 5 minutes’ drive from location 1 to 2?

N Nah we don’t say nah to anything, whatever we’ve got we’ll share.

Back your bags, stay long, stay short but just bloody well come here.

Rebecca Rowe

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