Executive Committee Members Spotlight

An introduction to the executive committee and insights from key industry leaders.

We take a different approach to our main feature in this issue of NZTECHO, with an article that showcases your executive committee members. An opportunity also to introduce them to those of you they haven’t yet met. Feel free to approach any executive committee member anytime regarding any industry-related issue.

I want to say a big thank you to executive officer Karla Rodgers for her work on this article. Collating bios and photos from 26 busy people is no easy task, thanks and well done Karla.

We also worked with Gina Rogers and Dave Gibson from the New Zealand Film Commission on a Q&A with Dave. His appointment to the chief executive role at the Commission in January has been welcomed by many. Dave’s 35 years of hands-on industry experience and knowledge will no doubt help him greatly in the new role.

A thank you is also in order for Wellington branch chair Richard Bluck for highlighting an important issue in his article about the upcoming Screen Industry Survey. He makes a very good point that while we may hate filling in the survey, the resulting data is important. It was a key factor behind Government assumptions about the industry (that most in the industry didn’t agree with) during the screen incentives review last year. Make sure you take time to fill the survey in accurately and thoroughly this year.

It’s fabulous to hear from a woman in our ‘back in the day’ section. Make-up artist Esme Smart shares a few memories from her very colorful 35 years in the industry. I want to remind readers to get in touch about candidates for ‘back in the day’. Either it’s someone you would like to know more about, or perhaps you yourself would like to share a story or two. I’m always looking for photos and stories for NZTECHO. Email editor@nztecho.com with ideas or photos.

Goodness me, lots of thank yous from my end but the reality is that this magazine would not get published without the many people (members and non-members) who help out.

One last thank you is to Craig Howard (Shooter) for contributing his words about Ian Turtill (Turtz), who sadly passed away in April. It’s very clear that Ian was a well loved, respected and talented crew member who will be missed hugely.

Carolyn Brooke, editor

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