Film Bay of Plenty Update
Kia ora Tātou!
After 6 months of hard work, we are stoked to be able to share with you the Film Bay of Plenty Production guide. It is a great one-stop resource for information on filming within our region. More details about this great resource below, and Film Bay of Plenty is always at the end of the phone or email for any further information that you require about our region.
After a relaxed January, February has been a busy month with commercials shooting across the region, large scale enquiries coming in, a BBC shoot in the Whirinaki Forest, and Film Bay of Plenty also connected local crew with a Netflix show that is filming through NZ right now. It was great to see the tele-feature Runaway Millionaires that was partially shot in Rotorua nominated as a finalist across five categories at the 2020 New York Festivals Film and TV Awards.
Waiariki Film Studios is hiring a project manager to help drive this project forward, and we are currently sourcing warehouse stage space for a long-form drama looking to shoot in the region in Spring. It’s great to see Producers looking to bring their productions to the regions, and we at Film Bay of Plenty look forward to facilitating many more.