Guild Name Change Feedback
But first, thanks heaps to all who responded to my invitati on to comment on the Guild’s name – whether or not we should change it, and if so, to what.
I had intended to publish in this issue a selection of responses culled from the eleven pages worth I’ve gathered so far; but exigencies of space – three major contributions have all ended up being three times the length anticipated (I’ve had to delay a few other already prepared pieces till our December issue) – and exigencies of time also – as I write, I’m less than 24 hours from climbing aboard a big metal bird to go shoot a doco in Berlin. So, my apologies – but given the responses so far, December’s will be a stimulating issue, I promise you!
However, as a taster: thus far responses are 35% in favour of keeping the present name, and 65% favour a change; of those 65%, roughly a half prefer Screen Association (of NZ), a third like Screen Crew Guild (of NZ), and a quarter have other suggestions.
Thanks again, and – Keep those thoughts coming in, to editor@nztecho.com!