Hope Amidst Crisis

NZTECHO’s autumn issue reflects on recovery, resilience, and the creative role of offset crew in rebuilding efforts.

The autumn issue of NZTECHO comes out as New Zealand tries to find a way through after the trauma and destruction of the second Christchurch quake. Messages of support from the membership went out by email and were gratefully received by those affected. News reel (page 16) follows up with a focus on hope and humanity down south as we contemplate the future, and sends best wishes to our devastated friends in Japan.

That this issue shines light on the offset crew, with a detailed appreciation of what will be required down south and in Japan, is one of those interesting coincidences in life. The chippies share their points-of-view about the construction department, set building and making a decent living. In the face of an urban rebuild on an unprecedented scale in Christchurch, on top of post-flood demand in Australia, and impending need in Japan – seriously creative minds are going to be required. With skills-shortages already identified locally (both in hands-on building and associated training and up-skilling) maybe our very own screen industry chippies – well accustomed to finding a way under pressure – could be uniquely placed to lend a hand? This issue of NZTECHO was produced with the invaluable assistance of Justin Westgate and Margo White, both of whom offered advice above and beyond their design and writing commitments.

The role of editor remains unassigned at this stage, and this issue is a tribute to collaborative effort. Also due thanks are all the other contributors and a special thanks must go out to those who made time to send us stories in the midst of their own recovery and survival.

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