Horses and Filming in South
Giddy Up! It’s been a season of horses in the south, with Equine Films appearing down here with their four-legged talent for a bunch of music videos, and international TVCs. It’s a nutty enough industry for humans to try and figure out, but what must these horses think of what they are asked to do? Top marks to Wayne and his team to get the horses to take it all in their stride.
A happy handful of jobs have rolled through the region and crews have been out on location in Central Otago’s dusty, arid big-sky country; Southland’s green and lovely rolling hills; Dunedin’s impressive coastline; the uniquely amazing West Coast; and in-and-around the gin-clear lakes. We are blessed with having fabulous locations to visit for our work, and always appreciative that generally we try and pick lovely weather and light to show the scenery at its loveliest.
To complement the natural assets of the region, all we need is a studio. Imagine filming with no sandflies? And not having to wear snow-goggles to cope with the dust on a summer shoot? Just two of the countless benefits that a studio would bring to this community.
Looking forward to some upcoming projects and proving that “great minds think alike” this month they all seem to want to shoot on the same days! But we should have some fun with a comedic director shooting a choc ad, drones in the air for the pharmaceutical industry, and the chance to promote our own region with some local content.