NZTECHO Update: A New Chapter
Dear Readers
You may note a few changes to this issue of NZTECHO. Please do not be alarmed. Save your alarm for the next issue, when we relaunch the magazine (in a suitably humble Techos’ Guild kind of way).
Shortly after Tony stepped down as editor, the Guild commissioned a review of its communications (funded by a New Zealand Film Commission grant). One of the recommendations of this review was to consider how the various comms channels used by the Guild can complement each other to serve members’ information needs effectively. Without going into sleep-inducing detail, the main elements of the review as it affects NZTECHO are to:
- Represent the views and interests of all Guild craft groups equitably and consistently
- Adopt a quarterly publication schedule
- Supplement this with an email newsletter four times a year, and email alerts for topical items of interest
- Use the website for more in-depth coverage of key issues
In a nutshell, NZTECHO is your magazine, so it needs to feature content that you find interesting and useful. To help with that, it would be great if you could send back the reader survey on page 21 (also available online at www.nztecho.com/2010survey). There’s even a bribe for participation.
Thanks again to Tony for his sterling efforts over the last eight years.
Happy reading!