NZTECHO: Your Industry Magazine

Carolyn Brooke encourages contributions and highlights features in the latest issue of NZTECHO.

Remember techos, NZTECHO is your magazine. It’s written by you largely (with a bit of editing of course) and it’s written for you.

All NZTECHO articles and columns are contributed voluntary, a true sign of the generous nature of many people in this industry. Quite simply keeping costs downs helps us to keep bringing this magazine to you. Anyone with ideas or suggestions for NZTECHO articles, or who is keen to write one, should email executive officer Karla Rodgers ( We’re especially keen to hear from experienced technicians who want to write a ‘back in the day’. Newbies and members are needed for profiles too, remember a profile is an opportunity to get your name out there. If you’re ever approached to contribute to NZTECHO do consider it.

We received more than usual content for this issue, so we’re pleased to bring you four extra pages. A big thank-you to our contributors** Film Auckland, Axel Knauer, Nigel Burton, Jen Metcalfe, James Newman and Jan Sisley.**

Our lead feature is about Auckland’s industry momentum gain over the past year and what is being done to help supply keep up with the high demand coming in from both local and international productions. New studios in Hobsonville is one measure being investigated.

Find yourself a warm and cosy place to read this winter issue of NZTECHO. Read about the rising presence of drones for filming and some issues around this specialist craft. Digital data liability, a recap on gender in the industry and the Cricket World Cup are other topics covered, along with a colourful insight into the world of the editorial ‘lair’. Enjoy.

For now, techos, go ahead and brew up ideas for future NZTECHO magazines and get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

Carolyn Brooke, editor

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