Ōtepoti Film Industry Update
OK everyone was talking about it. Even all the way down in the bottom right cuff of the Mainland, Amazongate. While I do not wish anyone attached being out of pocket or with a struggling business, I can only consider it with a glass-half-full approach and hope this opens up more avenues for the Domestic market to let Aotearoa’s voice roar.
My second sip of the half-full glass makes me equally hopeful that their departure builds further discussions around Regional Development spreading funds more evenly through the country like a healthy serve of semi-soft. Dunedin welcomes adding more pounds on if it means more local projects getting the green light.
One local project I’d like to highlight that recently received NZFC development funding is a feature-length documentary titled Frank and the Warriors, Dir. Chris Gillman Gable and Prod. Sue Marshall. This is a story of an eccentric entrepreneur and creative who has eschewed the path of least resistance in his life with a radical collection of warriors he’s very determined to sell. And that’s only a mere morsel of what’s in store for Frank.
Shout out to the following local crew who have acquired recent accolades – Stefan Roesch has been selected for the Share the Knowledge Locations Manager course along with Trina Ambrose who was selected for the STK Locations Coordinator course. Pennie Hunt has been selected for FilmUp Mentorship & Writers in Residence at the Robert Lord Cottage. Millie Cossou selected for the Paerangi Project who will be working together with Jacinta Compton on their latest short.
The last term was pretty quiet for shooting here in Ōtepoti aside from a couple of Music clips, short films & publicity press junkets. Additionally, Nat Geo / Greenstone brought a segment of their documentary shoot our way and it was fortunate that both the Auckland and Wellington Producers attached were keen to bring as many locals on board as possible. Out of the 19 crew, 11 were locals and 4 of the 7 talent on camera also Dunedinites. Shooting entirely at the Otago University Flume Pool (new location now on the radar), it was not an easy shoot for Health & Safety with specific scientific requirements and as always where water meets electrical. The general vibe on set was cool, calm and collaborative, and at the end of it everyone left very content with the…content! Again, it’s a reminder that if you do bring your projects here there really are talent here to help bring it to fruition.
Aside from this there’s a new film collective gaining traction, continued work and around infrastructure, studio capacity & training platform discussions with the Education sector.
Forecasting ahead I know several of us are waiting patiently to get our NZIFF tickets purchased for award-winning movies The Power of the Dog and There is no I in Threesome, both having shot elements in the city with several local crew attached.
Popcorn better be salty and fresh...
Rebecca Rowe