Ōtepoti's Film Potential

Exploring Dunedin’s locations and celebrating local stories with optimism for future filmmaking projects in the city.

In appreciation of the silly season now upon us and in feeling festively silly…

While it’s been a quiet end to the year here in Ōtepoti on the film front I have been lucky enough to explore some of the locations around the city as part of a scout last month and it never seems to amaze me just how lucky we are here, with our landscapes and architecture.

Old Prisons, Victorian Interiors, Underground dens, diverse forests and miles of pristine beaches.

There’s always such a willingness from those guiding to show you around while offering their own stories or learned legends as part of the experience. There is no shortage of interesting characters and historical drama to relive and romanticise about as you walk down varying corridors of times gone by.

Looking out to the future filmmaking horizon it makes me optimistic (and excited) we will get to see some local stories on screen as I hear of projects in varying stages of development about the city, to be shot in the city next year and beyond. As obvious as it seems to shoot in the city your story is based it’s not something we can assume, especially if Producers attached are not connected to Dunedin in some way.

Surely now the lockdown has lifted we will see more of you coming down to recce and be inspired by what is available to embellish your story-telling fancies.

Thinking of story-telling and now with Xmas silly season rearing its head it makes me wonder why, we as a country, have not delved into the Festive Storytelling market? Surely there’s an opportunity to profit from a Kiwi-esque Xmas Rom Com? Santa’s elf friend Seamus falls from the sleigh on Xmas Eve, landing headfirst on the back patio of Dwayne’s, an awkwardly cute sausage-making butcher from Milton. Will he find his way back to the north pole or will he discover nothing makes him happier than Dwayne’s award winning wild venison bangers?

I think it has a good ring to it.

But seriously, whether you are sausage maker, a sausage loving elf or a storytelling Producer / Director / Writer - come visit us! On arrival, ask anyone who can connect you to anyone (that’s basically everyone) to guide you on where and what to go, see and do and we will welcome and offer you some seriously spectacular storytelling scenic sights.

Just don’t choose the Dunedin Railway. That frontage is NA till late 2023 dammit.

OK, more seriously though, have a smashing Xmas and please be kind to each other as you make the most of the holiday break. Here’s to next year being an active and abundant one!

Meri Kirihimete Everyone.

Rebecca Rowe.

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