Queenstown's Film Challenges

Crew shortages, rising costs, and a changing political landscape shape Queenstown’s film industry.

Another four months have passed and, while work hasn’t been as busy as last year, it’s still keeping local crews on their toes.

We’ve had a fairly typical combination of TVCs, bits of films, small films, large format film, VFX shoots, under- and over-budgeted shoots, and now an Aussie TV series – Wanted 2.

Wanted is interesting in that it’s sucking up significant numbers of local crew, making quoting for large TVCs challenging as you contemplate where to find people. Bringing in non-local crew will cost productions more, and finding and paying for accommodation brings further challenges, especially when post-GFC Queenstown saw no further hotel development. Now that things are booming, hotel rates are at an all-time high. Christchurch is probably in a similar situation – not only post-GFC but lump an earthquake on top as well.

After Brexit and Trump, we will probably have Winston steering the country next – probably great for our ageing grey-head crew in Queenstown, shame about the rest. Anyway, roll on summer. Let’s hope that it’s long, hot, and lovely.

Have a great Christmas, and here’s to seeing what we will be calling ourselves next year.

John Allan, Queenstown branch and executive committee member

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