Queenstown's Spring Film Boom

A bustling season of TVCs, international shoots, and creative productions amidst Queenstown’s scenic wonders.

So a quieter July and August has led to the busiest September ever. Of the many jobs I was asked about I managed the timing well enough for three. It’s good to be in demand but if there is nothing in October I may have to stand in the worksite that is downtown Queenstown, in my hi vis, and sell parking spots. It’s great to see the local crew all gainfully employed and loving it though. Here are a few notable mentions from the last little while.

Badly Behaved Babes and Alice Englert’s directorial debut shot a few scenes in her childhood second home around Glenorchy. There she is in the leading role, doing her own stunts, and remaining completely approachable and with a smile for everyone. She’s a one to watch alright. The weather played a little havoc but the crew was ever resourceful and ready.

Larchmont continue their Michael Hill series of TVCs. I’m really enjoying what they come up with, great story lines and it looks fantastic. The Art Dept again, are knocking it out of the park on these commercials. The snow scene in Arrowtown at 14 degrees is perfect.

Finch’s ‘realestate.co.nz’ TVC is terrific. Ms Toa is another young star to look out for. They had an unflappable cast with a second cast waiting in the wings in case of any Covid casualties. Does anyone remember Covid 19? I have a lot of left over RAT tests taking up space in my garage if you need some…. Anyone?

The Beards had some perfect conditions to shoot on the top of the Remarkables at Lake Alta. The directorial team and Agency flew in from Britain and Sweden and were straight in to it. It’s great to see the international TVCs back on their way over here.

Vodafone, or I should say OneNZ, was a great job. The filming of an installation, instead of a cast was a new experience for me. It was interesting to manage movement and light around lengthy timelapse phases. The installation crew of Unique Creative were diligent and what they built was absolute quality. The leds were definitely noticed by the locals on Frankton Rd at 0500, and it was fun to cause a stir on Queenstown Trading before a woman complaining about the Volunteer Fire Brigade airhorn stole the limelight. Big props go to the editor, Luke, on this job. We shot extensive footage for over a week, and Luke had to have the final product ready for the live launch and distribution on the last evening of the shoot. Thanks to producer, Mark Foster for being an unfillable sponge and the ultimate problem solver. He may need a sleep in next week.

The ‘Untitled Documentary’ (Dir. Stacey Lee) produced by Fish came in for some moody shots in the region. It is an interesting expose into a complex issue. Keep a look out for it. Motion Sickness were in for a few days and sought some daybreak and sunset vistas in the region. They struck some great locations and dancing light for their upcoming TVC.

Sweetooth came back for their next season. Location Manager, Toby Mills had it all under control from the top of the Snow Farm at 4am, over the one way bridge in Clyde, to the appeasement of Milford Rd bus drivers. Big crew, several locations and a lot to fit in to a small amount of time. Well done crew!

So there we have it, a lot going on in the beginning of spring in Queenstown. The Sherwood was inundated with filmy types. They may need a wee break. When you come down, please keep in mind Queenstown is not what it was pre March 2020. It’s very hard to find a table on a Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday in town and everything is taking a little longer than it used to. We still don’t have enough workers in hospitality and it doesn’t look like it’s getting better any time soon. Be patient and remember how awesome our jobs are.

Kim Godby, Queenstown.

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