Quiet but Hopeful in Ōtepoti Amid Industry Uncertainty

Despite the industry's slow pace, Dunedin remains active with workshops, shoots, and screenings, while locals eagerly await the return of larger-scale productions.

All quiet in the big town / small city of the Southern Eastern ridgeline of Te Waipounamu. Dammit. We hang off the fine twine that dangles carrot shaped production teams scouting for locations.. all pending the writers, actors and studios here. A British Christmas TVC featuring the most realistic Santa to date, even YOU would want to sit on his merry lap to wish for a shoot or five..

Ōtepoti’s beautiful train station and the docks of Carey’s Bay to feature alongside said Santa.. A music video featuring adorable kids on bikes hooning through the streets of Port Chalmers in Super Heroes cozzies. Producer / Director duos & Location scouts combed through our gothic architecture and rugged landscapes. Great attendance was seen in various workshops for Producers, Writers, Directors and Actors. Southern Filmmakers Collective were granted funding for a coordinator position and set up costs to further develop this great incentive for our above the line collaborations to blossom.

Speaking on future collaborations, we locals will be holding breath and crossing fingers over October for a positive outcome on NZFC funding to be granted for the new Southern Pilots initiative.

Screenings are set for Dunedin premiere short films Greenwitch and Flora & the Greater Good funded with thanks to Short Film Otago. Dunedin 80’s drama Uproar (exteriors shot here last year) also to hold a Dunedin screening with an ample invitation roll out highlighting how many wonderful locals, be it crew, talent or affiliates, helped make this production possible. Good PR work to provide everyone involved with a ticket to this screening. Word of mouth is still the key marketing tool utilised this far South.

Hoping everyone out there is making ends meet without too much stress or at the very least, making the most of their time with loved ones until the next big gig rolls around. Hug your children, binge your favourite series, dip toes in the frothy waves and finish off that bottle of red / ale / buche!

Can come to an agreement on the other side of the globe. I hope to foresee my next instalment is one of bountiful workflow..

In saying that – we see workshops, development, pitching, collectives, screenings and the odd shoot still a go go.

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