Reece Baker

A film school graduate’s passion for filmmaking and goals for future growth in the industry.

When did you join the film industry? And what was it that attracted you to film?

I joined the industry after finishing film school in Auckland back in 2008. I was mucking around making films from a pretty young age, and I always knew I wanted to be involved with this kind of work.

What do you enjoy most about the work?

The variety and diversity of work for sure, it definitely makes the work interesting and keeps you on your feet. It also allows you to experience new places and new people, and opens doors into worlds you wouldn’t otherwise come across.

Why did you choose to join the Techos’ Guild? What do you want to get out of your membership of the Guild?

To feel more a part of the film community and engaged with the wider industry rather than hanging on the outside. I think following along the thoughts of Richards Bluck’s ideas from a previous issue, it would be good to see the Guild serve as a forum for open discussion and communication lines, so that we have an informed understanding of the current issues people face or that are relevant to the industry.

What is your career path? What work would you like to be doing in the future? What might stand in your way?

I want to pursue the craft further, refine skills and continue to learn through master classes, with the intention of shooting more film and narrative content. If I can travel with the craft and work overseas, I think that would be a good goal in sight. It’s a competitive field though and quickly changing, so the idea is to remain focused, stay hungry, and keep current.

What do you want to see the Guild doing in the future?

Hosting workshops, possibly a practitioner series of Q+As or discussions, or even podcasts. Generally, anything around open information and keeping us connected would be good.

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