Reflecting on a Dynamic Year
I think we all started this year hoping it was going to be easier than the last two but as the last few weeks speed towards us there is a feeling that it’s been another intense year and we are all in need of a some downtime.
The Bay has had it’s fair share of successes this year and we are poho kereū/proud to have been able to support the industry and it’s filmmakers.
The filmmaker’s and crew of the Bay are consistent and reputable. It is our honour to be part of their journey where and when we can.
Speaking to which, locally made film Muru has done exceedingly well at the box office and not only that it has been nominated for an Oscar!
The Volcano: Rescue from Whakaari was released to the Whakatāne audience recently and will be out on Netflix on December 19th. With the three year anniversary having just passed and the pain of the event still very fresh and raw, the documentary does justice to the terror and pain for those involved (either directly or indirectly).
In-house we have launched a podcast. Our first records ran for Te Reo o te Wiki Māori. They were specific in highlighting the importance of Te Reo on screen and behind the scenes with the revitalisation of Aotearoa’s first language.
When DEGNZ and Jennifer Ward-Lealand were here for the Intimacy Coordinator workshop we interviewed her on the what is and the importance of an IC (more acronyms) on set. We will have more in the coming months. Make sure you tune in, we are on all your favourite podcast platforms and there is a link on our website.
We’ve had multiple sell out workshops and are working on more workshops for next year. A workshop is not only a place to learn but a place to connect, meet industry professionals and ask those pertinent questions so you can pursue your dreams.
There are so many projects and items that take we have done this year, as important as they are it’s also important to stop and reflect.
We want to thank the industry for their perseverance and ingenuity that keeps the passion of production going, thank you to our funders, to all of the RFO’s around New Zealand, to the NZFC, the guilds and all our supporters. We look forward to seeing you in 2023.
Jade Kent and all the crew at Film BOP