Reflections and Tributes

Honoring film veterans, sharing insights, and celebrating the love of the craft.

Three months ago, as we started to think about this issue, there was the familiar partial anxiety attack of wondering exactly how much content we would be able to inveigle, blackmail, wrangle, beg and bribe from our members, and would it be enough to complete a credible issue.

But in the week of deadline we find ourselves in the ineffably sad position of finding the space to fit in two obituaries.

One for a man with a truly epic career to look back on. And one from a man who – no matter how much experience he had and films he worked on – always seemed to have the enthusiasm and wide-eyed love of the process of an absolute newbie.

I only met Mike Hardcastle fleetingly, but even I can see the truth in Stephen McCurdy’s, Waka Attewell’s and Bryan Bruce’s words.

And as for Kevin Armstrong, if there was a nicer guy in all of Wellington city, I’m not sure I’ve ever met him. Thank you for your time and attention Sally Cunningham. You got him right.

Elsewhere in this issue you’ll find pieces from Helen Bollinger on bringing family into film; from Alun Bollinger on contracts and what to watch for; and from Waka Attewell on an encounter with Dennis Thompson. And, from the UK, Dot Kyle sends us her insights working in the screen industry there which appears to be going through an absolute boom time.

As always, love your work.

And look out for each other out there.

Graeme Tuckett, editor

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