Screen Industry Winter Insights
The winter issue arrives with the winter weather! Our extended summer had a parallel this year in an extended production peak, to the relief of many in the industry who had been struggling to keep afloat. Novel ways to even-out the seasonal peaks and troughs that challenge our industry provide food for thought in this issue’s tales of successful screen industry innovations.
During the (usually sunny) production peaks, with optimism in the air, it’s important to reflect on our industry and constructive ways we can give back. Mentoring as a way to build and maintain a quality industry is given the once-over inside; the same once-over applied to new low-budget funding scheme, Escalator, elicits mixed responses from crew; and the creeping threat of extremely long shoot days plus other contributors to fatigue provide a timely reminder and caution for all.
In the virtual world of Spartacus, all Mother Nature’s weather challenges are given the heave-ho. We explore a world where clouds are created in post and, while storms roil outdoors, the camera just keeps rolling.
Crew feeling queasy at the mere mention of a GST return should give the new ‘Overheads’ column a look, it’s bookkeeping 101 for even the most faint-of-heart. Keep your business-cap on for legal advice following ‘Players’ feature film — just the tip of a discussion-iceberg you’ll see more of in future. And don’t forget to get to know your committee members: pragmatic Queenstown grip, Josh gives us an easy-going take on creating a niche and keeping it together in the deep south.
Fritha Stalker