Strength Through Community

Film Bay of Plenty fosters unity, mental health awareness, and growth for a vibrant screen industry hub.

Kia ora from Film Bay of Plenty,

Film Bay of Plenty is led by three women experienced in Film and TV.

We have boldly stepped into the ārahitanga/leadership, of Film Bay of Plenty/Ngā Auaha Whakaari o te Waiariki, and are determined to fulfil the prophecy of making a screen media region that creates a sense of belonging.

Film Bay of Plenty is growing from strength to strength. With that strength we create a greater sense of community and family. As family, we lean into each other and offer support.

At some point in our lives, we deal with loss, depression, anxiety and other mental health issues, whether our own or someone else's. This is when friends, family, and work colleagues are of most importance.

For those suffering at this moment in time, we encourage you to reach out. For those of you worried about someone, it can be hard to know where to start. The first thing to do is ask the simple question: ‘Are you ok?’.

We encourage you to:

Whakamoea ngā maunga kia whānau ko te pai / Put to sleep the negative thoughts of the past so that goodness can prevail.

The screen industry is our whānau, a large family that needs each other to build on our craft with a common goal of creating screen media. Our strength is in our diversity.

We are all in this together. If we continue to support, respect, have openness and talk about the challenges we face in these unusual times, we’ll get through it together.

How fortunate we are to be able to celebrate our passion for the industry and, in doing so, work on notable productions and feed our families in the process.

Our team has created long- and short-term plans and has new creative projects to grow our region for the screen sector. We continue to maintain good relationships with relevant government departments and supportive organisations, iwi, and industry bodies, knowing we are all in partnership to achieve a vibrant production hub in the Bay of Plenty and New Zealand.

He waka eke noa

A canoe which we are all in with no exception.

Tracy, Jade, and Elysia

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