Wellington's Busy Production Season
I’m writing this on another warm, sunny and possibly unprecedented Spring day. Last week was a hot mess of work, with three TVC’s trawling through Crew Wellington’s database at once and camera crews – literally – bumping into each other at a couple of locations in the central city.
Next week is looking like more of the same, and we all know there’s a behemoth in the shape of Avatar rumbling into life out in Miramar.
Meanwhile, lots of top Wellington crew are out at Avalon and in the northern ‘burbs working on the debut feature from a very promising young Wellington director. There’s a new CEO at the FC and the sun is shining.
Have we mentioned that about half of our top techs and their chosen assistants are all up in Auckland working on Mulan as well.
In short, what a difference a few months make.
From now until the end of the year we are expecting the good run to continue. It seems like we might have turned a corner, at least for a while.
Hopefully I’ll be writing a similar diary entry when we put our Summer issue together as well.