Wellington's Film Industry Bounce Back

From a post-Mortal Engines slump to a hopeful 2019, Wellington’s film scene is thriving again.

What a roller coaster of a year. We started 2018 with a hiss and a roar, but as soon as Mortal Engines had shuffled off this mortal coil – at least into the realms of post-production – then we hit a slump of all too familiar duration.

But, by mid-winter, suddenly we were looking like a viable place to be a film technician again. Possibly because half of our people were up in Auckland, rolling in Mulan and such like. In fact, the weekly shrieks for techs from up north were almost comical. That old myth of ‘Auckland make the TV and Wellington makes the movies’ has been well and truly put to bed these last few years.

Out at Avalon – looking like a better facility every day – a couple of modestly budgeted New Zealand funded features shot more or less back to back, which kept a few of us off the streets for a few months at least.

If you’re in art department, greens or construction, then chances are you’re already on Avatar or about to be. It’ll be a long and tough gig, but it sure is going to take a chunk out a few people's mortgages and student loans.

So we head into 2019 feeling pretty confident that it’ll be a sustainable year in Wellington. After two or three years of more downs than ups, it’s very welcome.

And on that note... thank you to everyone who has been around. All the friendly faces, the cheerful text messages and the crafty beers at the end of the days.

As always, this is still the best little city in the best little country to live in. I figure Wellington will always do what it takes to keep the cameras rolling.

Merry Christmas, and a Brilliant New Year.

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