Wellington's Film Industry Resilience

How Wellington became a hub for TVCs and features during Auckland's lockdown and continued to thrive.

I don't think there's ever been a quarter of a year like the one we have just gone through. When Auckland shut down, a dozen or more TVC's relocated to the closest town with an established industry – and that was us.

At Crew Wellington the phone started ringing and didn't stop for about eight weeks. Luckily, in the weeks before the Avatar crew went back for pick-ups, it wasn't too hard to find people. But as soon as Miramar was working again, those of us who were left were piling up the jobs.

By November, the work had slowed back to about what we expect in the capital, but for a few months, it was a potent reminder of just how much TVC work goes through Auckland.

We've also been enjoying hosting a couple of lowish to medium budget features down here, and especially enjoying some of the feedback we've had at Crew Wellington about the ease of shooting in Wellington – WCC and the Greater Wellington Regional Council are famously 'film friendly' – and how skilled and professional our crews are. No surprise to us, but it's always nice to be reminded what a special wee city and industry we have here.

Anyway, on to 2022 and whatever it brings.

Happy New Year to you all,

GT and Crew Wellington

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