Wellington's Quiet Film Scene

Graeme Tuckett reflects on Wellington's film lull amidst Auckland's booming TV industry.

It’s quiet... too quiet.

I’ve been out of town for a few months, having a mid-life break-down visit to New York City – which has been a hell of a lot of fun. And I’m very happy to report that I’m coming home in a few days and there’s a decent-sized production coming with me.

But, the news from home I get is that apart from a few TVC’s, Wellington is still waiting for one of various next boots to drop.

Miramar is bubbling with something big, but until the rumours firm up, only a fool would speculate what and when it might be.

Meanwhile, the flights up to Auckland are fair rattling with all the makeup kits and scaff spanners the passengers are carrying.

It’s great that Auckland is having a TV boom, but – we’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – if they need studio space, we have that...

On a happier note, spring is in the air, the winter is lifting and that usually brings a bit of good news out of the undergrowth.

Hang in there guys..

Graeme Tuckett, Wellington branch member

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