Winter Film Growth in the Bay
They said winter was coming and it's definitely arrived in the Bay. Brisk mornings and fireside evenings are upon us but this has not slowed down enquiries and production in the Bay. In fact, Tauranga has seen more enquiries for permits for filming than ever before. More permits means more productions which in turn means more work opportunities.
The Bay is the Way for production and as the only economic development agency here dedicated to production servicing, we are essential to the advancement of media growth in the Bay. We are capitalising on the unique assets of locations, crew and ease of business is bringing economic growth to the region.
An international project is underway in the Bay plus a local six part drama, and one of the TVNZ spiritual anthologies. The Bay is the way for production. Ease of business, a building crew-base
Training and up-skilling are always at the forefront of our collective minds. Late last year we saw a successful partnership with the Ministry of Social Development, MBIE, Waiariki Films Studios, Steambox and Greenstone TV to run Tohea, an earn and learn apprenticeship that gave 20 local youth the opportunity to get a step up into the industry. The commitment continues with Tohea 2.0 underway and 3.0 in the planning stages. The goal is to run programmes like this on all future large scale productions that shoot in the region.
Our local filming community has some supporting collaborative events, workshops, film festivals and Matariki nights to take us through the winter season. Including viewing the short film 'Frankie Jean and the Morning Star' that was shot locally in Makatu. A great film worth seeing.
Film Bay of Plenty is undergoing a restructure which we are very excited about. Watch this space, we look forward to revealing the details soon.
Ngā mihi,
Jade F Kent